Beginner Half Marathon Training - Seven Running Tips That Help You Cross The Finish Line
Looking for some beginner half marathon training tips?
Then look no more.
This is where you will find the beginner half marathon training information you are looking for.
Even for complete beginners it is possible to finish a half marathon.
However, what is important that you take time and don't push yourself towards injury or burn out.

The Beginner Half Marathon Training Page in One Simple Picture
Beginner Half Marathon Training Tip #1 - Take Your Time
When preparing for a half marathon you will want to take your time to get there. There are beginner running training schedules available that will get you to a half marathon with only twelve weeks of training. I don't think that is quite enough.
You need more than that. I'd advise you to break your training down in three parts, each consisting of three months. In the first three months, aim to get to running 30 minutes non-stop. In the second three months, aim at getting to 10k.
And in the last three months, make the final leap towards running a half marathon.
This is taking things a bit more slowly than many programs you will find on the internet, but you have got better chances of preventing frustration and injury.
And do I have suggestions in mind for how to get to 30 minutes, 10k and the half marathon in those three month periods?
Hmm,well, yes I do... :)
Here it is:

Beginner Half Marathon Training Tip #2 - How to Begin In the Beginning...
When starting to run you will probably not be able to cover large distances.
Just focus on getting out there three times a week and do walk-runs.
Walk-runs are workouts in which you combine walking with running.
They are really useful.
Because of the walking breaks these workouts allow you to run further than you'd be able to do otherwise.
Build up your running slowly.
And reduce the walking breaks slowly.
Before you know it you will be running for longer and longer. Consistency and patience are key.
Beginner Half Marathon Training Tip #3 - What about Speed?
As a beginning runner, you don't need to do speed training or interval workouts. You need to work on building your endurance.
That's much more important than speed. Intervals are very strenuous and give you a much higher risk of injury.
So avoid them. Just focus on logging miles and being able to make it further and further.
Now, I know that some people will not agree with me here. They have looked into CrossFit, high intensity interval training (HIIT) etc and are of the opinion that interval training is better.
Let's just make clear that this is just another opinion. More research needs to be done on the long-term benefits of HIIT. I can agree that in the short-term interval training can help you get fitter, the question is though if it will make you healthier...?
Also see the running for fitness page which explores the differences between running for fitness and running for health in greater detail.
Beginner Half Marathon Training Tip #4 - Cross Training

Cross-training is a topic of much debate in the running community.
I advise you to incorporate some cross training into your training schedule.
It gives your lower legs and feet a rest of pounding the pavement constantly, while still keeping you active.
Good examples of cross training are bike riding, swimming, yoga, pilates or weight lifting.
Also see the strength training for runners and the cross training for runners pages which talk about the benefits of strength training and cross training in more detail.
Beginner Half Marathon Training Tip #5 - How Often Do You Run?
Most of us see good improvements when we run at least three times per week.
And I would really advise you to stick to that.
Three or four times per week is plenty for the recreational runner.
When you want to do more training, I'd really advocate throwing in some cross-training.
Why? Well, did you know that in any given year, about 80-90% of runners have to take time of running due to injury troubles? Many of us just push through and are very bad listeners to our body.
So, as you are starting to learn how to run, in those first six months of training when you are building up to running 10k I'd advise you to run at least three times per week. In the final three months of training, I'd push it up to four times per week.
The half marathon is a respectable distance. It warrants a bit of extra running training. And when you have got a solid base of six months of running three times per week, then adding another run in is not going to be too strenuous for most of us.
If you want to stick to only running three times per week, you are making it a bit harder for yourself. But it does not make the plan to run a half marathon impossible. What I always recommend you would do though is to add cross-training to your running routine in that instance.
Beginner Half Marathon Training Tip #6 - Pick Short-Term Goals for Motivation?
Working towards a race that is nine months away can be tough. You may find yourself losing motivation or not seeing the need for a training session when your race is so far away.
That's why it would be good if you'd pick some short-term goals. Find a parkrun or sign up for a 5k race that is three months away. Find a 10k race that is six months away. Then start focusing on your half marathon.
Believe me, it will have an influence on you when you are tired and grumpy and don't really want to do exercise!
And getting some race experience is really useful as well. You'll know what it feels like to run a race. To start off way too fast. To deal with many people around you. To share the joy of finishing a race with others. Etc. Lots of advantages. So do it!

Beginner Half Marathon Training Tip #7 - About Running Gear
As a beginning runner, you don't need all the bells and whistles to start off. Some running shoes, socks, shorts or tights and shirt is really all you need.
This really can be quite an inexpensive sport. As you progress through the months, and as your
budget permits, it can be useful to look into some of the "bells and
whistles". If you are willing to spend big, carbonfibre plated running shoes are a great extra. Not at all necessary when you start running, but if you like to have the bouncy floating feeling of very light racing shoes, go for it!
Another suggestion would be to get a GPS
Running Watch. A GPS running watch is a really useful
tool to have. Just being able to keep track of your speed early in a
race is so, so important. 99.9% of runners have difficulty containing
themselves at the start of a race. So many races get destroyed by
simply going out way too fast, then struggling through the second part
of the race. Don't let it happen to you!
Clearly if you don't want to spend that type of money, that's quite ok, and there are plenty of cheap running apps that provide you the feedback of knowing how fast you go without having to fork out big dollars.
I'd say that that's about it. For starters. Have a further look on this website and follow some of the links above for further info.
In summary, beginner half marathon training is not rocket science.
All you need is persistence, consistency and a gradual build-up.
This type of approach is sure to get you to the finish line with a smile on your face!
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