Digestion Problems During Morning Run
by Mark
I am training for a marathon. What food should I eat the night before I go for a long run the next morning, so I don't get stomach cramps after a couple of miles.
I generally eat pasta/potatoes the evening before.
What can I do?
Answer by Dominique:
Thanks for your running question.
Running in the morning can be quite tough on the body system. In fact, not just in the morning. Many runners suffer from what we call "runner's trots" or a bit neater, the need to defecate while running...
There are multiple theories about why this happens to runners, although no conclusive answer is yet known. The theories about your digestion problem are:
The last theory has been studied extensively and results of studies seem to point out that this is a valid reason why runners suffer from "the trots". When runners get dehydrated and the blood circulation to the digestive system goes down, this "shake-up" happens dramatically more often.
So... on to possible remedies:
I hope this helps a bit.
Good luck with this issue and with your marathon training.