Dull Aches in Knees, Ankles and Hips
Hello there, I just started week 3 of the beginners 12 week/30 mins programme and have noticed that I'm getting dull aches in my knees, ankles and even my hips.
I think it might be the shoes I'm running in- they're cross trainers! But I'll be investing in a 'real' pair this week.
I run on a cycle path that's tarmac, so maybe that could be contributing too?
I do some loosening up before I head out and stretching afterward. I was going to start to take cod liver oil supplements- do you think that would help?
- sorry that's more like 5 questions!
Many thanks,
Answer by Dominique:
Thanks for your questions. Where to begin?
It's hard to comment on the source of your discomfort without seeing you run. Running is a new activity for you, and all beginnings are hard. A good pair of running shoes can make a difference as does proper running technique and running on softer surfaces.
Most of us end up running on tarmac and/or pavements for most of our runs, but it would not hurt to find a park or so close by in which you can do some of your runs to make it easier on the joints.
Fish oil is a good natural supplement. The benefits attributed to fish oil are both mental and physical. Now, I have not seen many stories about fish oil suddenly removing this type of pain. However, I would see fish oil as a good long-term strategy to reduce the risk of joint problems down the line. So, there is no harm in taking it, but I would not expect instant miracles.
Hope this addresses your questions.
Best of luck and enjoy your running.
Kind regards,