How Much Running Should I Do?
by Shekhar
(Faridabad India)
I run slowly approximate 2-3 km per day in the park. I am 35 years old. Is this enough for me or not, please let me know.
Answer by Dominique:
Hi there,
Thanks for your running training question.
What is enough and what is not enough? It depends a lot on your goals. General health guidelines advocate about 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day, 4-6 days per week (depends a bit, each country's health government agency has got its own guidelines).
Running 2-3 km per day is a great start and is more than many people do in a week! But I would suggest that you build up your mileage slowly over time until you run about 30 minutes per day. This is more likely than not a bit further than you run currently, e.g. 4-6km. Also see my page about Increasing Mileage Safely.
This would give you a really good, solid foundation for longer term health and will give you a great base if you were ever wanting to start doing some races like 5k or 10k fun runs.
Hope this helps.
Kind regards,