I Want to Increase My Stamina
by Rajesh
Hi, I am Rajesh. I want to join the army but my stamina is very poor. Could you please give me some running tips?
Answer by Dominique:
Hi Rajesh,
Thank you for your running training question. Yes, I can give you some running tips.
The best way to increase your stamina is by easy running. The pace should be conversational pace, the speed at which you would be able to still have a conversation with somebody.
Also check out my page about base building.
Use that bit of advice with my information on how to increase your mileage safely and you should have everything you need to increase your stamina.
A good way to start running is by doing a run/walk program in which you combine short runs with walking breaks. On my site there are several of those. See here.
I hope this provides you with enough of the basics to get you started. Also make sure to browse through my beginner running section and my running training section to get lots of other running tips.
Hope this helps.
Good luck with your career plans.
Kind regards,