In a week ... is there a sequence recommended in the workouts?
by Juan
Hi Dominique,
I will start following your Half Marathon Running Program :D
Since it is 4 workouts per week, I understand that it will be advisable to have one rest day in between each workout.
I read some questions that this would be desirable scenario as long as your social life allows it.
Now, my question would be in the order or sequence of the workout. Should I understand that, within a week, I should start doing Workout 1 on let's say Monday, then, the following will be Workout 2, then 3 and 4?
Are the workouts numbered in such way because that's the order to follow? Or given the case, does it have any significant impact altering the order?
Along this line, a related question ... In case one week I'm only able to do 2 or 3 workouts ... what will be the workouts more advisable to skip or be dropped out of the list?
Thanks a lot for the information shared in your site!
Answer by Dominique:
Hi Juan,
Thanks for your questions about the half marathon running program.
It is all quite flexible. You can decide whichever day you start the program and how you use rest days.
I don't want to be too prescriptive because everybody is so busy nowadays. I'll give you some directions though:
Workout 4 of the week is the long run. Most runners will do that one in the weekend, often Sunday.
It is probably best to leave the day after, Monday in that case, as a rest day.
Workout 1 should then ideally be done on a Tuesday to leave the other four days of the week (Wed - Sat) for Workout 2 and 3.
As you can see in your half marathon running program Workout 2 and 3 can be faster sessions in your tempo zone. Tempo runs count as "tough" workouts, so I would, if possible, allow for a rest day after your tempo session.
Regarding altering the order: should not be a big issue, as long as you keep in mind that your tempo session and your long run should ideally have a rest day in between.
In case you need to skip workouts, I would prefer you to skip the shorter ones, again with the thought in mind that the tougher sessions should allow a rest day in between. Always try to do the long run, it is the main ingredient to the longer distances. Don't do them enough and you will pay the price as shared here.
Hope this helps.
Best of luck with your half marathon.
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