IT Band Syndrome
by Deb
I suffer from IT Band Syndrome on my left leg while running. I recently heard that while running downhill if I run sideways down the hill this can help alleviate the problem.
Any truth to this?
If true which leg should be first down the hill?
Answer by Dominique:
Hi Deb,
Thanks for your running injury question. Iliotibial Band Syndrome is irritating, to say the least. I had a few issues with it last year.
I hadn't heard about this sideway running down hills. Hills can definitely aggravate the issue, so I would say avoid hills as much as you can. I can imagine though that if you run sideways with your good leg first, that you would stretch the painful ITB as little as possible, so I can see some truth in this statement. Don't expect to set any world records running that way though!
Stay away from the hills and ice the ITB regularly.
Best of luck with the running injury, I hope you will see some improvement soon!
Kind regards,