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What Can You Expect from the BRT Newsletter

Well, let's see....

I send it out almost every week. I try to send it out every Monday or Tuesday. It's very rarely I miss a week, but sometimes life gets in the way.

In the BRT newsletter I provide you with:

  • New and updated pages - a short overview of any pages that have been added to the website or that I have changed / updated.

  • 2-3 Questions from readers - aiming to provide answers to the questions you have on running training, injuries, how to improve, etc.

  • Tip of the week - This is generally a useful piece of advice that you may not be able to find on the website. It could be some scientific research I have come across, a few words of wisdom from a famous runner or elite coach, stories from my own running life, or a tidbit of info that I think you might find useful.

  • That's it. With every newsletter I aim to give you targeted running advice. No fluff, no continuous flogging of products. Just true and honest running information that I know will help you improve your running when you read it every week.

    So, what can I say? Join now, it is an easy way to regularly get your needed running information.

    Whether you need info about:

  • training for a 5k, 10k, half marathon or marathon

  • running for beginners

  • running for weight loss

  • injury prevention

  • coaching

  • new running programs

  • updated information on

  • questions from readers...

  • Or anything else to do with running, the BRT Newsletter will tell you about it.

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    My Guarantee

    Subscribe and read the BRT newsletter every week, and I guarantee you this: within 6-12 months your knowledge of running will be transformed. You'll start to see common themes. You might even be able to anticipate some of the answers I am providing to questions. And why is that important? You will simply become a better runner. You will make changes to your running training. You will get fitter. You will get faster.

    And what's to lose? If you decide after a while that the BRT Newsletter is not for you?

    No harsh feelings, you can always easily unsubscribe.

    I doubt you will ever do it, but the option is available....

    Really not much to lose by becoming part of the BRT Team...

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    What's New?

    1. In the Army - Improving my 2 Mile Time

      I am a 36 year old male who just joined the army. I have not run any long distance so I tried on my own to train and was doing ok but my times are still

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    2. Marathon Diet - Improve Nutrition to do Better at the Marathon

      I have got a question about my marathon diet. I have been an athlete all my life; mostly a runner, but cycle long distances sometimes. I am training

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    3. Beginners Running Program 3 - Go from 0 to 30 Minutes of Running in 12 Weeks

      The third beginners running program of Best Running Tips might be the best one. It is definitely the most popular. Get from couch to 30 minutes of solid running in only 12 weeks!

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    4. Calories Burned Calculator - Calculate the Calories Burned While Running with This Calculator

      This calories burned calculator calculates the calories burned while running, based on your weight and the distance you ran.

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    5. Asthmatic Non-Runner With a Need to Run - 1.5 Miles in 13 Minutes

      Truth be told I am NOT a runner. I can walk a 14 minute mile all day. But running, not me. I have had asthma since I was a child - severe through all

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    6. Second Half Marathon in a Month - Should I Run It or Not?

      Hi, I ran a half marathon a month ago, but have not done any great distances since, 6 miles max. I'm thinking of doing a half marathon this Sunday

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    7. Running a 5k - Can I Be Faster at 30 Than I Was at 18?

      I started running at 13 in high school. I ran cross-country, indoor and outdoor track. My track coach was very informed and my PRs were 800 - 2:22,

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    8. Faster Minute Mile for 5K races

      I'm 40 years old and I started to run consistently four months ego. My running pace went from 9 minutes miles to 7:30 minute miles in a 5k. Is it realistic

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    9. I Need a Good Marathon Running Program

      I am devastated. I ran my second marathon last weekend. I ran a marathon six months ago as well, but at about the 19-20 mile mark my legs cramped up...

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    10. Is 20 to 30 Training Miles Enough to Run a Half Marathon

      I have been a committed runner for a year and a half now and have completed two half marathons with over a dozen 10k races! I have been keeping running

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