Running and Hip Pain
by Claire
If the top of my hip hurts on my right side because of running what could that injury be?
Answer by Dominique:
Hi there,
Thanks for your question about your hip pain.
This is difficult. It can probably be about ten different things right now.
It could just be simple inflammation but also a stress fracture, problem with blood supply, joints or a cartilage issue.
I would consider visiting an osteopath to find out what exactly is wrong. In the meantime I would rest the leg and apply plenty of ice, e.g. 20 minutes of icing every 2 hours.
This seems excessive, but applying ice is often very effective. The 20 mins every 2 hrs is of course inconvenient or even impossible when you have to go to work and/or school. Then at least try to apply ice a number of times at night.
If anything, this should at least provide some relief.
Kind regards,