Running Difficulties
by Ariel
(San Francisco)
I am 36 and I used to run all my life, but in the last 3 years, during running my calves, knees and ankles feel very stiff and my legs muscles feel very tight that it has become more pain then fun.
I almost completely stopped running because of that and moved to swimming and cycling but I miss running a lot.
Can you tell me why does that happen? Did I just get older?
How can I go back to running again?
Answer by Dominique:
Hi Ariel,
Thanks for your running question.
I turned 34 today. I don't feel real old. But I feel I am not 21 anymore!
I think this definitely has got to do with getting older. But there are some things you can do, I think.
One of the issues you may have is your stretching routine. I would recommend doing the running stretches I have on my site after each run.
You may also want to consider some cross-training activities like yoga and pilates to get your body to be a bit more flexible and supple.
At 36 you definitely should be able to have years and years and years of running ahead of you, so I would not shy away from getting some professional help as well. An osteopath or massage therapist can do wonders and can tell you what is causing these muscle issues. It may be your posture while you run for example.
If you want to get back into runing, incorporate the stretches I talked about into your routine and look into some cross-training possibilities and/or professional help!
Best of luck with this, I hope you keep on running for years and years to come!
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