Running in the Hills
I am a beginner runner, I have been trying to run in my neighbourhood. There are quite a few steep hills, actually there are more hills then flat areas to run. I am having quite a tough time running up the hills and not getting to winded and still making 3,4 or 5 minute runs before needing to walk.
What do you recommend I do? I do not have many choices other then my neighbourhood and my treadmill to run on at this time.
Thank you for you help.
Answer by Dominique:
Hi there,
Thank you for your running training question.
Hills are a blessing and a curse at the same time.
They are a curse, especially for you as a beginning runner. The risk of "overdoing it" and the risk of injury is quite a bit higher when you run lots of hills.
With hill running, make sure you keep your effort easy. That's a bit easier said than done, but just reduce your pace and slowly go up that hill. Reduce the length of your steps (think "baby steps") and lean into the hill.
Hills are also a blessing because they make your legs oh so strong.
I would not immediately say to just jump on the treadmill and forget about running outside. Running outside is much too great for that and it would limit you quite a bit. But I do want to ask you to take care of your legs.
As soon as you feel pains you might want to take another day of rest.
When your running program is very tough, maybe repeat a certain week, or alter the program a bit so you get an extra walking break.
This should not make you feel bad, because, after all, the terrain you are running on is tougher than for others.
So, take it easy on yourself and give yourself time to get used to your new exercise routine and your challenging environment.
Best of luck.
Kind regards,