Running Injuries: Causes and Treatments
In this section of Best Running Tips I will tell you about the most common running injuries. Learn about them so you know how to prevent them!
When it comes to this topic I rather talk about running injury prevention.

So many of these smaller or bigger pains and issues be prevented if you and I would follow a few basic rules (and some common sense!):
Injury prevention tip 1 : Mileage
Build up mileage slowly and steadily. Click here for more information.
You might also want to pick up a copy of a training book like Daniels' Running Formula. It's a sensible guide to safe but incredibly effective running programs.
Injury prevention tip 2 : Rest weeks
If you are running 5 times per week or more, make every fourth week a (relative) rest week.
In these weeks cut back your mileage considerably to recover.
Injury prevention tip 3 : Listen to your body.
When running is painful, then stop. Learn to distinguish between muscle soreness and other pains. A bit of muscle soreness is ok; other pains indicate a looming injury, and cutting back on your training is often the wisest thing to do.
Injury prevention tip 4 : Alternate
Alternate hard and easy days.
Give your body a chance to recover!

Use a balanced running schedule. Have you taken a look at my run/walk beginner running programs or my heart rate monitor running programs?
Injury prevention tip 6 : Shoes
Make sure you are using the right running shoes. As a beginner runner you need to prioritise where you spend your money. Given running is done on your feet, one of the better purchases you can make is a good pair of running shoes. Go to a specialised running shoe store and get fitted!
Injury prevention tip 7 : Stretching and Strengthening
Your legs have to take a lot of pounding. Learn about the bad, ok, good and best practices to stretching and strengthening exercises.
Strength training is important, especially as we get into our 40s and 50s and beyond....!
Also check out the strength training for runners page for a lot more info on strength training. Another useful page is this short article with a list of Foot and Ankle Strengthening Exercises.
Injury prevention tip 8 : Marathon
Don't run a marathon in your first year....

But I see so many people who start running with the sole purpose of running a marathon. And they want it immediately.... within a year, within four months or even within as much as 12 weeks. I hate to be the one telling you this, but you are very likely heading for disaster. The couch to marathon program does not exist.
When you follow the rules above, you should be able to spend a lot of your life injury free. Also check out my article with some running injury prevention tips.
Now, let's get on with a few common running injuries. The links below lead to articles about these injuries with information on how to treat and to prevent your specific injury.

Foot Injuries
Foot Pain
Foot pain is not uncommon for us runners. Just think of the pressure that is applied to your feet every time you take a step. Read up on the most common types of foot pain in this article.
Black toenail
A black toenail, also known as runner's toe is a pretty common injury. It causes some discomfort, but is luckily not as painful as some of the other running injuries described in this section. The link provides a comprehensive guide on what causes black toenail, how to treat it and how to prevent it....
Running Stress Fractures
Stress fractures happen if your feet or ankles are under severe stress for a long period of time.
They are not fun to have and can cause big interruptions in your running. So educate yourself a little about this type of running injury in order to prevent stress fractures!
Posterior Tibial Tendonitis
Posterior tibial tendonitis is a painful condition, affecting the inner side of the foot and ankle. This condition occurs when the posterior tibial tendon becomes inflamed or happens to rupture.

Heel Injuries
Pain in Heel When Running
Heel pain when running is quite a common issue for runners, both for newcomers and experienced runners. Your heels take a lot of the initial shock when you land on your feet, each and every time. This constant pressure on your heels is sometimes too much, because of which you get heel injuries.
Heel Spur / Plantar Fasciitis
Heel spur / plantar fasciitis is the result of too much wear and tear of the tissue along the bottom of your foot (the plantar fascia). It is a painful and long lasting running injury. Worth to learn more about, so you know what the causes are of plantar fasciitis and how you can prevent it!
Achilles Tendinitis
We all get achilles pains sooner or later. I recommend you read the Achilles tendinitis article to find out about what commonly causes achilles tendinitis and how you can prevent and treat achilles tendinitis.
Knee Injuries
Running Knee Pain
While running knee pain can easily occur.
After all, the knee is heavily used while running. Learn more about the most common runner's knee injuries in this article.
Iliotibial Band Syndrome
Iliotibial Band Syndrome is an overuse injury. The iliotibial band runs from your hip to your shin on the outside of your leg. The rubbing of the iliotibial band on the bones of your knee cause friction and can cause a whole lot of problems...
Leg Injuries
Calf cramps / leg cramps
The most common running injury which every runner will suffer sooner or later are those dreaded calf cramps....
Shin splints
Another dreaded runner's injury is shin splints. Luckily you can take simple measures to reduce your chances of getting shin splints.
Hamstring Injury
A hamstring injury can be pretty painful. They can occur quite suddenly, while you are running or working out comfortably, causing severe pain. Many times a hamstring injury is recurrent.
Hip Pain
Hip pain is not the most common among runners. However when you have hip pain it can limit you severely from doing what you have to do...
Upper Body Injuries
Nipple chafing
Whenever I go on a run longer than 60-75 minutes "unprotected" I end up with bleeding nipples. You too? Then go to the nipple chafing article to find out what you can do about it...
Side Stitch
Find out why you get side stitches during your running and the simple things you can do to prevent it.
Back Pain
Back pain is an issue that many runners face. Check out the article to learn more about running back pain.
Chest Pain
There are various reasons of chest pain for runners. This usually needs to be taken seriously. Check out the running chest pain article to learn more about the type of chest pain you might have.
Alright, that's enough accumulated pain for one page! I hope this page provided you with a good overview of all the things to avoid. In the end, when you are running and training hard, you are always balancing injury risk with additional training load. Many of these problems can be avoided by educating yourself, following running injury prevention strategies and ensuring that when injuries present themselves, you do not try to ignore them, but face into the consequences!
Have a Question about Running Injuries?
Do you have a question about running injuries or injury prevention?
Ask it here and I can give you advice!
IMPORTANT: Provide sufficient detail when submitting your question.
When you ask a question that is only one or two lines long, it is generally too hard to provide a good response. Those types of questions get deleted.
What Other Visitors Have Asked
Click below to see questions from other visitors to this page...
Cold Hands after Running
I am a 39-year-old woman who is coming back to running after 15 years. I am in week 1 of a run/walk program with the goal of running a 5k in three months' …
Returning to Running After a Meniscus Injury
I have developed a meniscus injury which requires surgery. I run 1/2 and full marathons and haven't been able to run for the past 3 months as I wait …
Medial Knee Pain
I have medial knee pain which wraps around and sometimes down the back of my calf. I have iced it, stretched it, I wear good running shoes and I have …
Pain in Tibial Bones
I have been running for the last 2 months targeting 10km in 1 hour. Till now I am able to around 6km in 30 minutes. After running I feel pain in the tibia …
Pain on the Outside of My Knee
Hi, after running about 45 minutes during a soccer game or touch football I get pain on the outside of my knee and cannot run any more. Once …
Painful Side Stitch
I want to join the British army as a soldier and need to build up my fitness. But I have recently gone to a physiotherapist about how often and painful …
Water Retention after a Long Run
I have an odd issue with water retention after a long run or a race, that I don't understand. I have run seven half marathons in the past three …
Tired - What Can I Do About This?
I ran cross country varsity last year and ran 5k races. This year my hip started hurting really badly. It still hurts but it has become a more bearable …
Football Running - Strange Run - Injury?
This is my son's fourth year of playing football. He is 13 years old. Last year he was able to be one of the fastest runners/sprinters in the team. Also, …
Chronic Pain in Feet and Lower Legs
I was in the Army in 1993. I went through Basic training and hurt my legs they refused to allow me to stop running every day. I ran through Basic and AIT …
Groin Muscle Pull
I am a 46 year old female, and jog/walk to workout. I experienced a pain in my groin which I first thought was from stretching. Pain became much worse …
Recovering from a sprained ankle?
I was out running 9 weeks ago, when I sprained my ankle quite badly. I had to limp almost a mile to get back home, and by the time I got home my ankle …
Lower Leg Pain
I don't get shin splints per say, what I get is on the posterior of my lower leg. The muscle running up the outside of my shin bone gets so tight that …
Prolonged Calf Muscle Soreness
I am 50 years old and ran every day for a year until I was doing 4-5 miles a day. For the past two months I have been struggling to do just two miles. …
Shin Pain when Running on Treadmill
I am a 30 year old lady who is rather unfit and overweight 14 stone 10 pounds and I want to lose weight and get fit by running.
Unfortunately I get …
Dull Aches in Knees, Ankles and Hips
Hello there, I just started week 3 of the beginners 12 week/30 mins programme and have noticed that I'm getting dull aches in my knees, ankles and even …
Calf Cramps After Sprinting?
I'm a sprinter and lately, I have been getting painful calf cramps after my workout at practice. My calf muscles feel tight, stiff and hard. …
Shin Splint Pain
I have been doing cross-country and track since I was in year 3 at the age of 7 and it was fine until 3 years ago. At first it was only a dull pain but …
Lower Leg Pain
I am a 45 year old male with lower leg pain.
I finally got off the potato couch last September 2010 I had been on that couch since high school.
My first …
Running with Torn ACL and Cartilage
I tore an ACL 37 years ago when I was 30 yo and never had it reconstructed. About 10 yrs ago I tore the cartilage in the other knee which I had arthroscopy …
Stomach Pain While Running
I have tried to start running, unsuccessfully, many times. When I try to jog, I feel like I have good technique, I pace myself and I breathe correctly. …
Can I Run with a Torn ACL?
Is it ok to run with a torn ACL?
Answer by Dominique:
Hello there!
First off, thanks for reaching out with your question about running …
Knee Pain
I have read a lot about runner's knee and how to get thru it. I have a 16 year old son who runs track/xc and has had knee pain on and off for the past …
Chest Pain While Marathon Running
I am an elite distance runner and competed for England in the Toronto marathon on Sunday. During the last 3-4 miles I developed a pain in the centre of …
Upper Calf Pain
I started experiencing upper calf pain about a week ago. At first my upper right calf was feeling tight and then an electric shock type sensation started …
Running with a Limp
Right now I am training for my cross-country season. I had to take a couple of weeks off due to an ankle pain and swelling on my left foot. …
Lower Leg Pain
I used to be a long distance runner, and stopped for a few YEARS. Now that I've gained weight and got back into running about a mile a day I get horrible …
Rash due to Running - Little Embarrassed
I've been running since past 4 years and have been your follower Dominique since long.
In my recent past 3 morning runs past week, I've suffered from …
Continue Running with Shin Splint
Should I keep running with a shin splint?
I have had this one for about 4 months, been given orthotics by my physio and have now got neutral shoes, …
Pain just below Right Chest while Running
I workout everyday. I have no problems when I do it, but when I start running a pain just below my right chest starts.
It starts very mildly but increases …
Cramps under Ribs While Running
I am a beginning runner, I am starting off with a 30 minute run.
I would say around 20 min into the run I get a cramp right under my ribs.
It's …
Left Ankle Pain
I am a beginner runner (at 57 years old female). I am starting out on a treadmill. I've only been at this for 5 weeks.
I stay on the treadmill for …
Keep on Running with Shin Splints?
I am new to running and am on week 4 of the 30 minutes in 12 weeks beginner running program.
I am a 22 and am in decent shape, I do pilates and other …
Pain in Liver Area While Running
I am running nowadays and I complete 2.7 Km in 18 min.
But after completion of about 2.2 Km I experience intense pain in the liver area.
It remains …
Knot in Calf
I have just started your running program and get a slight burning in my right calf... so I stopped running!
It now feels like a knot on the right side …
Knee and Outer Thigh Pain
Every Summer for the past three years I have joined a gym. This summer I've been running for about 10 mins for 6/7 days, for about 4 weeks when I got this …
Knee Pain
I had knee surgery years ago. I hit my right knee onto a car dashboard during a car accident. Part of my knee cap was removed. It has worked fine for a …
ACL Surgery and My Cross Country Season
I tore my ACL about a month ago playing lacrosse, and I'm scheduled for reconstructive surgery in about two weeks. The MRI showed some meniscus damage …
Sneezing after Running
Every time I finish a run, I start sneezing (like a minute straight). For the rest of the day, I will have a runny and stuffy nose and will …
Knee Pain
I can run and have no pain, but the instant I stop and walk, one knee feels like its going to collapse and is very sore when extended on the back stride. …
Long Time Runner (17 years) Sleeping Foot
I am a 45 year old male and have been a runner for over 17 years now, ran races, treadmill, outdoor, interval, and trail running.
My issue over the …
Running and Hip Pain
If the top of my hip hurts on my right side because of running what could that injury be?
Answer by Dominique:
Hi there,
Thanks for your question …
Side Stitch Pain
How do you avoid the debilitating side stitch? Eating bananas aside (which didn't work) how do you get to the point that you can run without this pain? …
Bleeding after Running
What does it mean to bleed after your run?
Answer by Dominique:
Hi Sophie,
What a question!
You sound very worried.
I have been bleeding …
Swollen Left Calf after Running
I try to run three times a week at the moment about half an hour at a time. I had to stop just about three months ago as the next day after running my …
Am I Suited to Running, Especially Uphills?
I have one leg longer than the other and high arches on my feet making prolonged walking and a short period of running painful.
I am fine running …
Chest Pain While Running
Hi I’m 72 and have run at least every second or third day for the last 30 years, during the week for about an hour and on Sundays 1.5 to 2.0 hrs over …
Pain in Lower Legs
I thought I might have fractures (shin splints). I am an x-ray tech. I confirmed I do not have it, by taking an x-ray and followed up with a bone scan...all …
IT Band Syndrome
I suffer from IT Band Syndrome on my left leg while running. I recently heard that while running downhill if I run sideways down the hill this can help …
Ankle Injury
Hi there...I just began running again after a several year layoff. I was using a beginning runner schedule and was on week number 9 running 9 minutes …
Lower Leg Muscle Tightness
I have recently begun running again (39 yrs old, relatively fit and constantly active). My objective is to run about 3 miles at a time. I was doing this …
Running with a Cold? Yes or No?
Should I still run when I have a cold (not flu)?
Answer by Dominique:
Hi Lovie,
Thanks for your question about running while having a cold.
Opinions …
Pain on the Inside of My Right Knee
In June I ran a 10K race and about a week after the race I started to experience a lot of pain in my knee.
I tried to run for the next 2 months and I …
Pain on Inside of Left Calf
Several months ago I began a exercise regimen that included walking 3 miles. Over a period of 6 weeks I worked up from walking to running. Over a period …
Shin Splints -- Keep on Going?
What could happen if you still run when you have shin splits?
Answer by Dominique:
Hi there,
Thanks for your question about shin splints .
Posterior Tibial Tendonitis
Will posterior tibial tendonitis go away on its own?
I went to the doctor and she told me I have this condition but really didn't do anything to treat …
Knee Pain
I'm a new runner.
I will admit I went from walking 2x per week to running daily (about 40 min) and after the first 5 days I started to feel some knee …
Calves and Chest Hurt
I'm 60yrs old and I'm trying to start a small running program. I'm running on a treadmill and I'm trying to run (jog) a minute then walk a minute. But …
Numbness While Running, But Not When I Stop
I've been a runner for about 8 years and the last two years I've been experiencing a variety of different pains. My latest one is that while I'm running …
Stomach Pain After My Run
When I run my lower stomach starts hurting really bad after I am done running and I don't know why. Can you tell me why?
Answer by Dominique: …
Achilles Tendonitis and Shoe Type
I am just getting over a case of achilles tendonitis. It started about a week after I ran the NJ Marathon. I gave it about five weeks rest (just elliptical …
Numb Lower Leg While Running
I recently started running. I haven't run for a few days now but I have noticed that my left leg is going numb. Is this a result of the running …
Calf Pain. Can I Run?
I ran 5 miles on Sunday, and everything was ok but after that (like 2 hrs after) my right calf started to hurt. Is like someone had hit me on the side …
Pins and Needles
I have been training for the last 6 months now and am running on average 30km per week. Last Sunday I ran an 8km in 47 minutes (I'm 41) and have been experiencing …
Hip Pain
While running and after running, I have been getting pretty intense pain on the side of my hip. It is near the top of the hip bone and on the side towards …
Diarrhoea While Running
How do I prevent diarrhoea when I'm running?
Answer by Dominique:
Nothing like the runners' trots !
Plenty of runners have this issue at some …
Inner Calf Pain
Hi there,
I started running about 8 months ago, slowly working up to about 3 1/2 - 5 1/2 miles per run (3 - 4 times per week) on a treadmill. About 6 …
Pins and Needles While Running
I'm a regular runner and I usually jog for about 4-5 miles. Lately, I have been feeling pins and needles in my lower legs and feet during my …
Top of Foot Pain
I run/walk about 2-3x's weekly, and presently have pain near my ankle but on the top front of my feet. It's not very painful. But sometimes when I run, …
Torn ACL - Should I Run or Not?
I am a 270 pound male who has a torn ACL in my knee, and I was wondering if you think its ok to run or should I just stick to walking.
My doctor says …
Bad Pain Under Knee Hours After Run
Hello, I am an Army enlistee so I have been running outside on the roads for the past few weeks without any pain at all normally.
Yesterday I did …
Vomiting After Running
I have been running for about a year, and am currently training for a mini-marathon. Once I get to over 7 miles, I have severe gas pains that …
Knee Pain
Hi, several of your answers on what to do about knee pain include "taking it easy" for a while. I am having some moderate, but constant knee pain. The …
Piriformis Syndrome
I have developed a mild case of piriformis syndrome. I have significantly increased my amount of stretching, but have continued running. Is it OK to …
Shin Splints With Race Coming Up
I have my first 5K race in 2 weeks and I have been having some shin splint problems, in particular in the right leg in the inner lower leg.
I have …
Foot Pain: Pins and Needles
Hi, I have recently started gentle jogging and find that after I have run about 2 miles my foot cramps and gets pins and needles. I changed my runners …
Calf Pain While Running
I have been running for about 4 months. However, I had to stop about 2 weeks ago due to a pain in my calf muscle.
It doesn't hurt until I …
Pain in Lower Back While Running
I am a beginning runner. I want to change my routine from just walking a few miles a day to running 1 mile a day and walking some too. Every time I try, …
Repeat Calf Injury
I've been running pretty consistently for approxiamately 20 years. I usually only run approx 3.5 - 5 miles depending on how much time I have and how I'm …
Pain on the Inside of my Knee
Okay so here is the situation, I am 23 years and I am in love with running, but ever since the beginning of July 2008 I have been unable to run do to a …
Stomach Cramps (Again!)
My son is a high school junior. This year he has had problems with stomach cramps. It usually hits about mile 2.0 - 2.5 in races. His 2 mile splits have …
Thigh Chafing
I am a beginning runner and am having a problem. I have very muscular thighs and when I run any amount over 45 minutes my thighs will chafe. How do I prevent …
Stomach Cramps
Hi, I am a 26 year old guy. When I run I get cramps at random under the right side of my rib and sometimes on the top of my stomach. Is there anything …
Leg Going Numb
I am a HS CC coach and I have my softball pitcher running for me for conditioning. Last March during the softball season she suffered a pretty severe …
Lateral Knee Pain
I recently completed a couch to 5 km (30 mins) program. During the last 2-3 weeks I started getting a dull pain in the lateral part of my knee. It only …
Swollen Calf
I have been running/cycling for 20 years. In mid July I started training for the Snowdon marathon. After 5 to 6 weeks I found that my legs felt heavy experiencing …
When Can I Run Again After Hurting My Left Groin?
I pulled my left groin about two months ago (at least I think I pulled it). I run on a regular basis and was training for a half marathon. Two months ago …
Knee Pain After Running
Thanks for your great site!
I'm a completely novice runner - I've recently completed a couch-to-30 minutes running program, and have just started your …
Pain in the Groin Area
I am so glad I found your website. It has been so helpful. I love to run. Two weeks ago while running I started getting a pain in my groin area and at …
Possible Stress Fracture?
Hi, I started running two years ago, and since then have been running a bit over 2 miles 5-6 times a week.
For the past few weeks, I've been tacking …
ACL Reconstruction
Im just getting back from ACL reconstruction. I am wondering if cross-country would put me in risk for re-tearing it or if it would help build my muscles …
Sprained Ankle Still Swollen After Nearly 2 Months
While running on an uneven trail I rolled my ankle.
I iced and elevated it immediately after, but the next few days I unfortunately did not take care …
Running Cramps
Hello, my name is Andrew.
I am a fourteen year old boy.
I recently started your beginning running program to reach 30 minutes of running.
I started …
Shin Splints
I just want to let you know that I really enjoy your website...I find it very informative !
As I am training to join the Forces, I use one of the running …
Shin Pains and Leg Cramps
I have been running for about 2 years (female 40 years old) and have always just done a couple of miles 1-2 times a week.
Now I have entered a half marathon, …
Returning from Injury
Due to an injury I have not run for seven weeks. What advice do you have for starting back?
I began running in July and was in fairly good shape when …
Numbness in Feet When Running
Once I have run for aproximately 30 minutes I feel numbness in my feet.
What could be the cause of this and has anyone suffered this before ?
Many thanks …
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