Running Pace Calculator - Work Out Which Running Training Pace is Right for You
The running pace calculator on this page will help you determine the right speeds to hit in your running training.
Each type of running, each pace, will deliver its' own benefits to your body and to your running ability.
By the way, are you after a calculator that tells you what time to expect in your next race, based on a recent race performance? Then check out the race conversion calculator instead.
So, let's quickly cover off on the types of running paces that are important for your running:

So, do a rep, then follow with 5-10 minutes of easy running to recover fully. Or whatever is appropriate for you. This is not about pushing VO2max, like when you are doing intervals. This is about form and running economy, similar to when you are doing strides.
Right, with that out of the way, let's now get to the calculator itself.

It is important that you enter a recent performance in this pace calculator.
Not a goal performance.
The risk with putting in a goal performance is that your training pace is going to be too fast for what you can handle right now.
That's the sure way towards running injuries!
So, use a recent performance. Do your running training based on the times the calculator provides to you. Get fitter and stronger. Then do a race, improve your time and come back to the calculator to adjust your training paces!
At the same time, a calculator like this should not become a massive constraint on your training. As you go through a training cycle and get faster, you may naturally see some of your training paces improve a bit.
So, use this running pace calculator as a useful guide. Usually you'll find that there is a good alignment between your race times and your current training times.
Sometimes you can find some opportunity to push yourself a bit harder.
I remember a time when I had pretty much locked in a certain pace as tempo pace. After that I got a lot faster. But I kept on doing tempo workouts at that same pace. It was only after using this calculator that I realised my tempo pace was about 20 seconds / km (32 seconds / mile) slower than my calculated tempo pace!
Yes, we can all get a bit complacent sometimes. With the knowledge that the calculator provided I was able to experiment with my tempo pace in the next few runs and worked out that I was actually able to do tempo workouts at that faster pace.
How Do I Use This Running Training Pace Calculator
I use it in three ways.
The first way is pretty much as above. After a race I may enter the details in the calculator and find out my running training paces according to the calculator. I then compare that with actual training paces and see if I need to make some adjustments.

The second way is to work out what type of race performance I am currently capable of. With a bit of trial and error you can find out what 10k race time points to a 5:30 min/k easy pace (for example) or a 4:20 min/k tempo pace.
E.g. Let's say we'll be racing a 10k soon and currently our tempo pace is 4:30 min / km. Now, what kind of 10k would we be able to run.
Let's enter a 45 minute 10k. Outcome is 4:36 min / km.
Let's enter a 43 minute 10k. Outcome is 4:25 min / km.
Now, let's enter 44 minutes and the outcome is 4:30 min / km.
So, given the current tempo pace we'd expect to be able to run about 44 minutes in a 10k. That is helpful and it is a good goal to shoot for.
The third way is to understand how far removed my current level is from my goal level. Suppose I'd want to run a sub-3 marathon next year. Then, I could enter 2:59 for the marathon in the calculator and get out the following paces:
Now, if my current easy pace is 6:30 min/km and my tempo pace is 5:20 min/km I can immediately see I am way off my goal. It can provide a good reality check on what type of goal is reasonable for me.
I hope you use this calculator to its full ability.
It's one of the most useful running calculators, without a doubt.
It is useful, but just be careful with entering goal race performances and then modelling your training based on that goal race.
It will push you too much and so often leads to injury.
So... handle with care!!!
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