Sneezing after Running
by S.C.
(El Paso, Texas)

Every time I finish a run, I start sneezing (like a minute straight). For the rest of the day, I will have a runny and stuffy nose and will continue to sneeze.
I've taken allergy, sinus, and cold medications. Everyone said I had to get used to this environment, but I've been here for five months now and I still get sick.
How can I prevent getting sick?
Answer by Dominique:
Thanks for your question about sneezing after your run. That's an interesting situation you have got there.
Sneezing after running is a phenomenon known as exercise-induced rhinitis or exercise-induced sneezing. It is a pretty common occurrence. As far as I know, the exact causes are not completely understood. But there are a few possible reasons for why some of us experience sneezing during or after running. So, I'll cover off on those for you, they are:
1. Nasal congestion
2. Environment triggers and air
3. Vasomotor rhinitis
Before I cover these into a bit more detail, let me tell you I do have this a bit as well. Frequently after running, I'll have a bit of a runny nose the rest of the day and may sneeze a number of times. More than when I don't go for a run. But it sounds like your situation is a level up and causing you irritation. So, let's get into it!
Nasal Congestion

During exercise, there is an increase in blood flow to many parts of our body.
Also to the nose, which can lead to temporary swelling and congestion of the nasal tissues. This congestion can trigger sneezing. It is basically your body's way of clearing the nose and relieving you of the congestion.
Sneezing can also be a reflex response triggered by your body's attempt to regulate its temperature during exercise. It is believed that the sneezing may help cool down your nose or help re-adjust your breathing.
Environmental Triggers and Air

I am curious about the reference you made to living in a new environment for five months.
Was sneezing after running an issue before this move? No? Then my hypothesis would definitely be that you have some type of allergy. Maybe you haven't found the right allergy treatment yet?
Even breathing in dry or cold air during exercise can cause irritation. It can make your nose dry up, which in turn leads to sneezing.
Vasomotor rhinitis
Some people have a condition called vasomotor rhinitis. This is characterized by an abnormal response to changes such as temperature changes, doing exercise, or smelling strong odors. This can also be a factor in causing exercise-induced sneezing. Basically, annoyingly, your nose reacting to you doing physical activity.

It would be interesting to know if you have this sneezing reaction after working out indoors as well. This could help you narrow down on when this happens and might be valuable information for a doctor to help diagnose you.
From what you are writing it seems like you never used to have this problem until you moved to where you live now. So, I'd definitely consider the environment. What is so different about this place compared to where you first lived? Is the air a lot drier or are you at a higher altitude? More pollen in the air? More industry? More dust? Things like that could affect the airways.
As suggested before, work out whether this happens only outdoors or indoors as well. Once you know, it sounds like it is really quite annoying to you, so I'd recommend you pay a visit to a doctor and work out what this exactly is. There may be a simple reason and simple solution to this annoying problem! Don't go to Dr Google, don't listen to some random running coach on the internet, go see the people who studied this stuff!
Best of luck. Hope you can resolve this issue.
Kind regards,