Another 1.5 Mile Run Test Question

by Jon P
(Tucson, AZ)

another 1.5 mile run test question
I am 30yrs old and currently approximately 55lbs overweight. I am in the process of losing weight for upcoming law enforcement processes of which the 1.5 mile run is a requirement.

I currently can run for approximately 40 minutes at a long run pace (heart rate zone 1). However I cannot run the 1.5 mile distance at a pace fast enough to qualify for the testing processes (12:00min). I have to stop multiple times and I have an intense burning feeling in my calves (seems like more than just lactic acid burn).

Right now my best 1.5 mile time is 16:00 mins. I realize that I need to increase my base but my question is should I look to increase mileage or time for my easy runs?

I should let it be known that at this point I am not a huge fan of running for sport. I have no desire to do anything other than complete my 1.5 mile requirement in a good time but I am committed to reaching my goal so I will do what is necessary.

In regards to building my base for the 1.5 mile run what should my objectives be? Should I be striving for a certain amount of time or a certain distance?

Also seeing that I need to increase my pace for the 1.5 mile run in addition to building my pace in a relatively short amount of time (3 months) should I add tempo or interval runs right off the bat once or twice a week?

Help on this would be much appreciated!

Answer by Dominique:

Hi Jon,
Thanks for your running training questions. Yes, another 1.5 mile run question... I get asked quite a few!

You are asking all the right questions and it shows you have done a bit of research. I'll try to cover off on all of them, as follows:

1. Required base for a strong 1.5 mile run - long run
2. Required base for a strong 1.5 mile run - consistency
3. Adding speed sessions

Required Base for a Strong 1.5 Mile Run

another 1.5 mile run test question
You are currently already able to run 40 minutes at a slow pace. That's a great starting point. Through those longer slower runs you are building your endurance. I am guessing that in that time you cover about 3 miles or so? With 12 weeks or so to go, I wouldn't stop there. When it comes to mileage, almost always, more is better.

I'd like to see you increase the length of your long run a bit more. Say by roughly 5 minutes every week. It would be great if you could get to 60 minutes of running non-stop or even more, with 80-90 minutes probably being as high as I would push it. It is really questionable on whether you gain that much more out of doing, for example, two hour runs or longer, if you are aiming for a fast 12 minute run. Check out the Increasing Mileage Safely page for more info on how to go about increasing your mileage.

Required Base for a Strong 1.5 Mile Run - Consistency

another 1.5 mile run test question
The other element of building a strong base is consistency. You haven't mentioned how often you are running per week. When I am coaching people like yourself, the difficulty I see for almost all of them is remaining consistent with their running. Which is kind of logical, when you don't really love or like an activity, dragging yourself out there, whatever the weather, can be a challenge.

But consistent running of at least 3 times, but preferrably 4 times per week, is a must for 1.5 mile success.

Not running consistently at the moment? Then, I would recommend that the first four weeks of training you spend doing easy runs with very little speedwork. Use that time to build up your longest run bit by bit and get used to running regularly, e.g. 4 times per week. The shorter runs can be easy, shorter runs, e.g. 30 minute runs.

However, if these 40 minutes of running is your standard run that you do 3-4 times a week already, then I would say that it is probably a good moment to start throwing in speed sessions.

Adding Speed Sessions

another 1.5 mile run test question
Every type of speed comes with its own benefits and adaptations. With 12 weeks of training to go, I wouldn't restrict myself to only one type of faster running. Have a look at my Running Workouts page and make sure to try some tempos, intervals and goal pace running over the next period.

Additionally, I'd highly recommend finishing a couple of your easy runs each week with strides. Strides are fast, but not hard and they will help you run at a pace that is faster than your current goal pace; whereas the other paces will be goal pace or slower. Practicing running on a range of paces, will no doubt, help you improve.

Now, running faster gives you a greater risk of all kinds of injuries. So, ensure you follow my running injury prevention guidelines. And it is tougher on your legs as you have noticed in previous 1.5 mile test runs. So, make sure you introduce speed sessions to your training with care.

When I get people into interval running I always like to start off with a session that is say 30 sec hard / 90 sec easy. Or 1 min hard / 3 min easy. The ratio between hard and easy can be 1-to-3 or even higher. Over a number of weeks, adjust it down to a 1-to-1 ratio, e.g. 1 min hard / 1 min easy. Just build it up easily and you will find that interval running can be enjoyable. Tough, sometimes painful, yet enjoyable... :)

Same with tempo running. Start with tempo intervals of maybe 4-5 minutes or so and build up from there.

Given that you do not like running that much, consider some cross training as well. I definitely would not run less than 3 times a week. But if you only run three times per week, you can compensate for that by spending time on the stationary bike, elliptical trainer, rowing trainer, etc.

Even though you seem far away from your 1.5 mile run time goal, you can already run 40 minutes non-stop and you are willing to put in the effort to make it to this goal. Build that long run up, train consistently and add in some speed work and you will be able to shave off quite some time. No guarantees, but those 12 minutes do not get me too worried yet.

As you train consistently I'd also expect you to be able to shed some of that extra weight. Which will help you improve your 1.5 mile test time. Every pound you lose will probably make you about 5 seconds faster per mile already, and that's without the training. So work hard and smart and I have no doubt you will be able to get a lot faster.

Best of luck.
Kind regards,

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