Running A Sub-40 10k
by Ashley
(Worthing, UK)

I have given myself the target of reducing my 10k time, ideally to sub 40 (and beyond!).
My question is how to achieve this? As someone who is quite new to longer distance running I have a strong bias for shorter distances and I think my times show this:
1k - 3:30
5K - 21:00
10K - 45.12
Half marathon - 1:51 (although this was in poor conditions)
At the moment my training has minimal structure. I stay at one speed depending on how long the run is. Generally go out 3 time a week, total mileage is usually 20 miles.
Any thoughts would be welcome.
Answer by Dominique:
Hi Ashley,
Thanks for your running training question.
Sub-40 10k is a goal for quite a few runners.
It sounds like this is a goal that could be within your ability, but it will take some dedicated work. So, let's see what we can do to make you faster, by walking through the following:
1. Analysis of your race times and what it tells us
2. Improving your endurance - long run and total mileage
3. Maintaining your speed
4. Taking a long term perspective
Analysis of Your Race Times and What it Tells Us

I think there are some good elements in your training. You are running regularly. You are currently covering about 20 miles per week and running at different paces. Each running speed supports improvement of different body systems.
I have first had a look at your times and put them into the Race Conversion Calculator.
When I enter your results in one race and then put in a "predicted" time in another race I get the following results:
Entered: 1k - 3:30, Predicted: 5k - 19:16 (you do 21:00)
Entered: 1k - 3:30, Predicted: 10k - 40:11 (you do 45:12)
Entered: 5k - 21:00, Predicted: 10k - 43:47 (you do 45:12)
Entered: 5k - 21:00, Predicted: half - 1:36:36 (you do 1:51, maybe 1:45 if conditions had been better?)
Entered: 10k - 45:12, Predicted: half - 1:39:44 (vs. 1:45 - 1:51 from you)
So, what is the story here?
You have got a good speed over the 1k, 3:30 is a good time and links to a 40:11 10k time, only 11 secs, well 12 secs away from where you want to be.
The speed is there. But the stamina is not. When you have to run over longer distances, you get tired and can't reach what the calculator says is within your capabilities.
And that is illustrated by every race distance. Your shorter distance predicts a faster time over the longer distance than what you are getting.
In a way, that's good. We know where a big part of the problem is and it is pretty consistent. So, let's focus on what to do about it now.
Improving Your Endurance - Long Run and Total Mileage

You say you're inclined to running fast, and that may be part of the issue. Many runners do their slow runs too fast and their fast runs too slow. Because you may be running your slow runs too fast, you may not run long enough. And it is harder to develop a good base that way. All in all, I'd recommend:
1. Run more - You are running 3 times per week. 4 times is better. 5 is better yet. Etc.
2. Longer runs - Build up your mileage through the number of runs, but also the length of your runs. It would be great to see that weekly mileage from 20 to 30 to 40 and eventually to 50 miles or so. See the Increasing Mileage Safely page.
In order to sustain increases in mileage, you may have to reduce your pace in your runs. Not in all of them, some intensity would still be good (we'll get to that). 50 miles per week may sound like a lot when you are doing 20. I am not saying you will need to get to that level to hit sub-40. Your 1k on limited mileage is pretty fast, showing you have some talent. So, maybe you can get by with a more modest build-up. But if you are serious about getting to a sub-40 10k, there is no doubt in my mind that your overall mileage, the number of your runs and the length of your long run all need to go way up.
Maintaining Your Speed
One mistake that runners often make is that they do all their runs too fast. Another mistake is that they do all their runs too slow. Neither works!
You need a bit of variety.
Let's say that you increase your runs from 3 to 5 per week. Give yourself some time to build it up(!) Now, in a running program in which you run 5 times per week you can add 1 or 2 faster workouts. Check out the Running Workouts page for ideas. For a faster 10k you can't go past tempo runs.
Taking a Long Term Perspective

And as a last tip, do not solely focus on running a faster 10k. You could focus on a 10k race first. Then maybe pick a 5k race next; 5k race preparation focuses a bit more on intervals / faster speed work. Then maybe train for a half marathon, in which the accent more heavily moves towards endurance. Then cycle back to training for a 10k again. Supported by the general training improvements I have outlined you will be able to set Personal Bests in all these distances. Which will keep your running fun and interesting (I hope!).
Best of luck with the sub-40 quest. I hope you make it and I hope you have plenty of fun along the way!
Kind regards,